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GRAPHOny christmas
annual music recital 2023

Violin Performer

Date: 17th Dec 2023
Time: 6pm to 7pm
venue: Voices of singapore recital hall

Graphony's Christmas annual music recital is a magical event that brings together our young and aspiring musicians to showcase their talents and spread holiday cheer. It is not just a festive tradition, but an invaluable opportunity for students to showcase to loved ones their growth and passion for music in the past year. The recital will ignite for students and parents alike a lifelong love for music and create lasting memories. Don't miss this annual musical delight!

Recital Program


Ensemble Workshop


Solo Performances


Violin Ensemble


Awards Ceremony


Recital Program


Ensemble Workshop

A first time experience playing in a group for most students!


Violin Ensemble

Students play a series of well known Christmas tunes.


Solo Performances

A showcase of individual students talent.


Awards Ceremony

To recognise and appreciate the hard-work students put into their violin learning journey. 

Ensemble Workshop

Lesson 1


19th Nov 23, 

1 - 2.30pm

Lesson 2


26th Nov 23,

1 - 2.30pm

Lesson 3


9th Dec 23,

5 - 6.30pm

Lesson 4


16th Dec 23,

10 - 12pm

Developing ensemble skills, teamwork and effective communication.


During rehearsal students would work together on a variety of pieces to refine their technical skill and musical expression as a group. Our teachers will also guide the students by providing feedback to improve how the ensemble sound as a whole.


Students will develop ensemble skills and teamwork, which involve actively listening to their peers and learning to blend their sound with others.

Student and teacher 1_edited_edited.jpg


To explain fundamental techniques of ensemble playing and introduce recital repertoire

  1. Group warm-up exercise focusing on bowing and fingering techniques.

  2. Allow students to experience playing in a group and develop necessary skills.

  3. Go through section by section analysing key changes, dynamics, and any technical challenges.​


Introduction to duet playing and musical interpretation.

  1. Introduce students to playing a two part piece, they will be divided into two groups (violin 1 & 2) and play concurrently.

  2. Discuss the musical interpretation of the piece, including dynamics, phrasing, and expression.

  3. Practice crescendos, decrescendos, and other dynamic changes as a group.


To refine the piece and work on ensemble cohesion

  1. Focus on articulation and bowing techniques to enhance musicality.

  2. Work on intonation and timing, paying attention to critical passages.

  3. Focus on transitions between sections and maintaining a consistent tempo.


Run through of the program to prepare for a final ensemble performance

  1. Run through all pieces, addressing any last-minute concerns.

  2. Focus on maintaining energy and cohesion throughout the pieces.

  3. Reflect and discuss areas for improvement.

Price List

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